
Eligibility Criteria

NGOs/nonprofit organizations interested in being profiled on the StartPoint platform of African Philanthropy Forum (APF) must complete the online application and attach their registration documents, as well as other relevant documents within the stipulated time frame.

APF welcomes applications from NGOs/nonprofit organizations that meet the following criteria:

  • Must be registered as an NGO/nonprofit organization with the appropriate government authority in the country of operation
  • Must be headquartered in Africa and African-led at executive and board levels
  • Must have been in existence for at least three years with evidence and track record of operations in Africa
  • Must be physically present in the country of operation, with a verifiable address at which activities that support the cause for which it was established are conducted
  • Must have a clear mission and vision
  • Must have bye-laws, a governance structure, and appropriate mechanisms of accountability and transparent decision-making
  • Must have annual audited financial reports for the last five years of operations or for the period of existence if less than five years since inception
  • Must not be blacklisted or placed under any funding restriction by previous donors or government authorities
  • Must be willing to undergo a vetting process with APF to be considered eligible for the platform

African Philanthropy Forum reserves the right to verify all information provided in the application. In the event that there are discrepancies, or information is found to be false, the application will be declared invalid and the organization ineligible.

Upon being profiled on StartPoint, APF reserves the right to de-register an NGO/nonprofit organization in cases of non-compliance. Non-registered and/or de-registered entities may make an appeal to the APF within seven days of the refusal or de-registration date.

Apply below:

Apply to get on the platform

Preliminary Information
Audited Financial Reports/Finacial Records for the Last Three Years
Organization Information
Contact Information